Air Conditioning Services

ITS autos offer Air Conditioning repairs on all makes and model across Milton Keynes and the surrounding counties.

Air Conditioning Services

All of ITS autos Air Conditioning Services include a Full system check, Gas pressure check, Leak check, Health check, Re-gas with correct oils (model dependent) to keep seals lubricated. Regular maintenance of the vehicles air conditioning system will prevent faults occurring. Regular use of the vehicles air conditioning will assist with de-misting all year around.

Additional services include A/C De-bug to assist in the removal of any stale A/C odours. Inspection and replacement of the cabin air filter (regular style) if required at fixed price. (Cabin Air Filter Upgrade to advanced charcoal filter for an additional £10 premium)

AC Service 1:


All of ITS autos Air Conditioning Services include a Full system check, Gas pressure check, Leak check, Health check. Re-gas with UV tracer dye PAG oils to replenish the suppleness of the AC systems rubber seals (preventing rubber deterioration). Anti-bacterial cabin spray is applied to the evaporator to reduce stale moisture AC smells.


AC SYSTEMS (PRE 2016) USING R134A GAS – £69.95

AC SYSTEMS (POST 2016) USING R1234YF GAS – £115.00

AC Service 2:


All of ITS autos Air Conditioning Services include a Full system check, Gas pressure check, Leak check, Health check. Re-gas with UV tracer dye PAG oils to replenish the suppleness of the AC systems rubber seals (preventing rubber deterioration). Anti-bacterial cabin spray is applied to the evaporator to reduce stale moisture AC smells. Cabin air filter (regular style) is replaced and extra AC cleansing canister applied for additional all round vehicle freshness.


AC SYSTEMS PRE (2016 USING) R134A GAS + Cabin Filter – £109.95

AC SYSTEMS POST (2016 USING) R1234YF GAS + Cabin Filter – £155.00

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ITS Autos are independent Toyota, Lexus and Hybrid specialists.